Alcabala sees the tricolour flag rising


The treteté

Today October 20, 2012, the Sabioveronese people saw their flag, the treteté rising by the Mérida morning sky. The Kingdom of Juclandia’s government had approved Sabia and Verona as an overseas territory and the new micronation had legal authority to move as a semi-independent body. To conmemorate this important date, the government has declared October 20 a regional holday. Napoléon Bleuberrie, First Secretary of Sabia and Verona, together with Ministers Étienne Boulin, Leon Galieri and Pomme-Gabrielle Gauvier, met to discuss the future of Sabia and Verona within Juclandia and other affairs such as economy and infrastructure, issues that will take place in further activity by Bleuberrie’s cabinet. The Courts of Sabia and Verona are to meet on October 25 again to discuss these issues further and take actions as soon as possible. With nothing else to add, the SiV Phonograph wishes a great future to this nation of ours, Sabia and Verona, La Región.

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