So you won’t vote RED?: 10 great reasons to vote for the Socialist Party

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So… you won’t vote for the Socialist Party? It’s ok. In a truly democratic state, you’re ought to vote for whoever you want. However, there are some good reasons to avoid a vote to other parties in this next election. Here are 10 great reasons to vote for the Socialist Party:

  1. The Socialist Party’s platform is better for Sabia and Verona. The Conservative government has proven to fail at fulfilling the region’s political needs. The Courts are a mess!
  2. Sabia and Verona was based upon Socialist ideals. You may remember it, in October 2012 Sabia and Verona was a true Socialist nation, that’s how we were founded. It’s something the Unity people have been trying to hide from you, but remember, YOU are a child of the Bleuberrist ideal.
  3. Napoléon Bleuberrie loves you. Unlike Kóvérsz, good ol’ Napoléon is your friend. Your best friend.
  4. You lived better in the Bleuberrie era. Stats indicate that the life quality level was higher in the times of the Socialist era. As well the economy progressed faster and the general population was happier.
  5. The Socialist Party is actually the true Unity Party! The conservative Unity Party has been linked with Sabian nationalist and independentist groups. Their unity is the Sabian unity! Sabia and Verona is not Sabia and Verona just by name.
  6. The Socialist Party’s reforms to the regional government will make benefit not only for the region’s politics but also to the people. Napoléon Bleuberrie’s government plan will not only help the legislative institution make better functioning, but will also give the Sabioveronese people a voice.
  7. Red is the Chinese colour for happiness. Blue is generally associated with sadness.
  8. The Socialist Party’s government plan will increase co-operation with Juclandia and the Crown, while still maintaining the very appreciated autonomy of the region.
  9. The Socialist Party will respect all political organisations of Sabia and Verona when in the Government. The now growing sphere of political division and sectorized politics is a worrying issue to the Socialist Party of Napoléon Bleuberrie.
  10. Culturally, the Socialist Party is an institution that promotes the unity of the Sabioveronese people and the strength of the brave nation we are. The very own motto of Sabia and Verona became constitutional thanks to the Socialist Party, Ko calurən okke walšəman ci niże ekinə. “In progress altogether we shall never perish”. That’s what the Socialist Party wishes, progress. And Sabia and Verona can only achieve that with your vote. So these next elections on May 20, 2013, make sure to vote RED. Socialist Party RED. Napoléon Bleuberrie RED. Sabia and Verona RED.

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