Cerwyn government confirmed in marathonic inaugural session

apollo paints

Apollo Cerwyn

Apollo Cerwyn has been appointed Prime Minister and his government has taken office after being confirmed by the Fifth Parliament of Sabia and Verona, elected on May 26. Following convention, Cerwyn is the 9th head of government of the Kingdom; the fourth since Haronos and the third since the adoption of the current Constitution.

The Parliament’s inaugural session lasted several hours, as the new legislature had an extensive agenda to tackle including the naming and confirmation of the entire judiciary and the Electoral Commission. In an expected move, many of the sitting magistrates in several of the country’s courts, including all of the Supreme Court’s sitting magistrates (who conformed the first college of the Court), kept their positions for another two-year term.

The new government, composed entirely by Democratic MPs, will be the 12th overall government of Sabia and Verona. Its composition – which had been a matter of fierce debate among Valtirian observers – appears to be a careful balance between the more senior members of the old Left Alliance and newer figures in the party, who joined after the formation of the HG.

All in all, this will be the 12th government of SiV:

  • Prime Minister and Diplomacy Secretary: Apollo Cerwyn
  • Deputy PM and Commerce Secretary: Snø Jens-Galieri
  • Justice Secretary: Kastor Gevras Drigy
  • Education Secretary: Soraya Hreti
  • Defense Secretary: Suipom Goyo
  • Arts Secretary: Pomme-Gabrielle Gauvier
  • Botany and Welfare Secretary: Hierba Kebragi

The addition of former Gonn governor Suipom Goyo in the Defense division and the return to the forefront of veteran Pomme-Gabrielle Gauvier are the standout surprises of the new cabinet. The decision to nominate party nomenklatura Narcissus Clyne to serve as President of the Parliament (speaker) was also unexpected. Finishing the podium, Félix Gauvier, Pomme-Gabrielle’s son and former Gonn vice-governor will serve as Vice-President of the Parliament.

The organization of the Liberal party, now in Opposition, is also less clear. Since former PM Andrew Blackhorse effectively resigned from the party’s leadership earlier this weekend, the party has been provisionally led by Shassel Marlaryen, who has also taken the informal position of Leader of the Opposition. Marlaryen confirmed to The SiV Phonograph the Liberals’ intention to form a shadow cabinet, a practice introduced to SiV by Cerwyn last year, but the blue party would much rather “wait until we’ve sorted things out” to name their opposition speakers.

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