Failed self-coup attempt: the end of Bleuberrie


Bleuberrie arrested in Alcabala. To the right, Air Force General Rubén Hernández and former Minister Ernesto DaVilha. To the left, Adm. Noa Dargany, Bgd. Paula Walker and Sno Jens. Behind are visible two Air Force raptors.

A saucerful of emotions in Salisse and across the region when this evening the Government of First Secretary Sr. Napoléon Bleuberrie saw its self-destruction the moment Bleuberrie signed a decree abolishing the Commission for the Preservation of Democracy, more known as the Karasal Council at 2:10 pm after a state lunch with military officers. Following this undemocratic act, Bleuberrie mobilized with a handful of Land Army officers and barricated the entrance to the Lirvetta Ena, the Legislative Palace in Salisse.

The Land Army secured the Legislative Palace as Bleuberrie issued another decree dissolving the Courts of Sabia and Verona and proclaiming Sabia and Verona a single-party state. Beside him Air Force Brigadier Paula Walker acted as his bodyguard. HM the King was informed of the situation and immediatly called Prime Minister Populescu and President Jucărescu. Governor Annenak was unavailable and could not be contacted at the time. In the meantime, loyalists in the Air Force were setting ready in the 1st Military Base of Salisse.

Lieutenant Secretaries Ann Stefanović of Caenia and Donnel Seaworth of Elinore secured their respective municipalities with their own provisional military to prevent further extension of the coup. Aguasblancas was later secured by the Navy, forcing pro-coup Lt. Secretary Oliver Pondstone to flee. Not much later, Seaworth gave permission to Bleuberrie to leave the Lirvetta Enae and start talks with the King and Prime Minister Populescu. During the talks, Bleuberrie demanded for more autonomy to Sabia and Verona. The communication between Populescu and Bleuberrie was decadent and soon Bleuberrie escaped alongside Walker to Alcabala.

In a final strike, the loyalist Air Force took over the Legislative Palace together with several protesters at the gates of the building. Bleuberrie’s plans were shattered and now he was on the run. Finally, he was found by the Navy in the South West district of Alcabala, where he was arrested and taken back to Salisse. Neither Bleuberrie nor any of the seven arrested officials have spoken. The Karasal Council has been re-established and Gen. Rubén D. Hernández has assumed the premiership as acting First Secretary. Pashqaris in Verona only found out about the coup after a loyalist group of the Land Army arrived to Verona. Many of the Pashqaris were in a Fäkhist mass that was being held today in Tegula.

The Karasal Council has not given a date for the trials of the arrested officials. Among them are Boris Tovinski, Minister for Defence and Timothy Lawrence, a well-known Land Army General.

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