Stefanović wins the race


DMDK spokesperson Marie Lovett delivering the results

The Commission for the Preservation of Democracy (DMDK) has finished the vote counting and has given a verdict; Ann Stefanović of the Progressive Coalition wins the September 2013 general election with 50 votes and a handsome 75% of the overall vote. In a televised announcement, the DMDK Spokesperson Marie Lovett announced the results of the September 15 general election. The massive percentage of Stefanović’s victory lies in contrast with the turnout of 66%.

In accordance to the DMDK’s statics:

  • Ann Stefanović, Initiative for Democracy (Progressive Coalition): 50 votes (75%). Takes all Municipalities.
  • Osez Kóvérsz, Unity Party: 17 votes (25%)
  • Turnout: 66%.

In her victory speech, Stefanović proclaimed a new era of “true unity, true progress and true equality for the Sabioveronese people and the Juclandian nation”. The Unity Party candidate Osez Kóvérsz has not given any official statements as of yet. Stefanović and her future cabinet are expected to take office on October 1, 2013.

Within the Progressive Coalition’s three member parties, the following results were counted:

  • Roots – Earth Party: 27 votes (54% of the PC vote)
  • Initiative for Democracy: 13 votes (26% of the PC vote)
  • Pashqari People’s Party: 10 votes (20% of the PC vote)

DMDK Chairperson and acting First Secretary of Sabia and Verona, Gen. Rubén Hernández has given a speech following the announcement of Stefanović’s victory, stating the election was a “prove of the Karasal Treaty’s efficiency and a demonstration of a clean and democratic showdown”.

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