Left Alliance wins the election


Election results as announced by the National Electoral Tribunal today at 6:30 pm

Four candidates met in the fourth Sabioveronese general election since the nation’s creation in October 2012. This time however, the members of the legislature were elected to the new Lower House of the Courts, the Chamber of Deputies. The ballots closed at 6:00 pm, and at 6:30 pm the National Electoral Tribunal speaker Marie Hernández announced the results.

As if to prove the polls right, the Left Alliance led by Léon Galieri won the election with a contundent 30,5% of the outcome with 29 popular provincial votes, carrying two Municipalities, Salisse and Aguasblancas (the latter in a tie with the Unity Party) and earning eight seats of the new Chamber of Deputies. The Left Alliance (R) is the official successor of the now defunct Socialist Party of Sabia and Verona (CM), created by Sr. Napoléon Bleuberrie in late 2012.

Coming on a close second was the also new party Convergence and Amity (A), led by Ryam Piper and with Apollo Cerwyn as the party’s candidate. Convergence and Amity received 26,3% of the outcome with 25 popular votes, carried four Municipalities (Caenia, Elinore, Tegula and Átāśıarı; Tegula in a tie with the Pashqari People’s Party) and took six seats of the Chamber of Deputies. Convergence and Amity is the successor of the now deceased Roots Party.

In the third place came the well-known Unity Party (C), led by Graham Müntz and with Carla Mora as the chosen candidate. The Unity Party received 24,2% of the overall result with 23 popular votes, carrying three Municipalities (Caenia, Abrelia and Aguasblancas, tied with the Left Alliance) and earning four seats of the new Chamber of Deputies. Since the dissolution of the Socialist Party of Napoléon Bleuberrie, the Unity Party is Sabia and Verona’s oldest political organization and the nation’s only conservative party.

In the last place came the Pashqari People’s Party (P), for the first time running independently, led by Lukas Pondstone and presenting Shzël Ashaqür as the Pashqari candidate. The Pashqari People’s Party received 18,9% of the overall result with 18 popular votes, carrying only Tegula (and tying up with Convergence and Amity) and taking two seats of the Chamber of Deputies. Shzël Ashaqür is a member of the prominent Marlaryen family of Verona.

The whole election had the greatest turnout in the history of Sabia and Verona with 98% of the provincial population voting, even more than the December 2012 general election which had a turnout of 92%. First Secretary-designate Léon Galieri will assume office on 1 April, 2014 alongside his Cabinet and the new Chamber of Deputies.

First Secretary-designate Léon Galieri of the Left Alliance

First Secretary-designate Léon Galieri of the Left Alliance

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