Cerwyn: ‘Virny has not addressed the Left’s concerns’


Apollo Cerwyn in Kodesari.

At an impromptu public conference in the Alios district of Kodesari, the leader of the Left Alliance, Apollo Cerwyn, spoke earnestly on the current situation of the government and the relationship between the two parties in coalition. The party leader openly criticized Enkâkourak Virny for ‘failing to address the Left’s concern’s and ‘sidelining the Left in Parliament’. The Left leader cited the National Artists’ Guild refusal to support a motion presented by Cerwyn in Parliament to form a commission to examine the current Constitution and potentially call for major amendments to the current constitutional text or even convoke a Constituent Assembly.

The matter of constitutional reform is a major part of the Left Alliance’s current platform and, according to Cerwyn, it was one of the issues Enkâkourak Virny ‘promised’ would be included in the government plan when the coalition was formed after the last general election held in September.

Cerwyn’s conference is certain to further tensions within the coalition, as they come mere days after the resignation of Botany Secretary Andreina Rossini (Left) over harsh comments criticizing Virny and the Guild.

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